Why should we choose eKYC over ID card OCR?

ARGOS eKYC, ID Recognition AI Upgrade for ALL ID CARDs.
ARGOS Identity's avatar
Aug 01, 2023
Why should we choose eKYC over ID card OCR?

As the digital age rapidly evolves, we want faster and more effective services in the online world, which is why many services are using a nifty tool called Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to scan our IDs and recognize text. It's a way of using sophisticated AI technology to read text from our IDs. While this may sound pretty cool, it's actually fraught with problems.

OCR is the way we pull text from our IDs and other important documents, and it's a huge leap forward with the introduction of AI technology. Unfortunately, in the real world, there are a lot of challenging situations that arise. Reflections of light, shaking, and damage to the ID card make it difficult for OCR to accurately recognize it. Additionally, security features built into the ID card itself make OCR recognition even more difficult. Because of these issues, users sometimes have to make multiple attempts, which can be stressful for the user.

To solve this problem, we need to find a more advanced method. This is where electronic know your customer (eKYC) comes in. eKYC refers to the process of comprehensively determining a user's identity, including OCR. The result is more accurate and faster verification of a user's identity.

The eKYC service provided by ARGOS is a comprehensive service that takes care of the entire user onboarding process. It allows users to seamlessly proceed from identification to service use without the need for complex OCR retries. It also includes all the additional features required for the eKYC process, such as anti-counterfeiting, one-factor authentication, and selfie authentication.

Furthermore, in the process of providing these services, service providers can significantly reduce the cost of onboarding. Traditionally, they incur additional costs due to complex authentication processes and retries, which can be reduced with eKYC. This is another benefit for service providers.

And most importantly, eKYC plays an important role in improving the user experience: users no longer have to suffer through complicated and time-consuming authentication processes, and instead enjoy faster and more efficient services.

What we really want is not just OCR, but a more advanced eKYC service that both users and service providers can benefit from and be happy with.

ARGOS eKYC, ID Recognition AI Upgrade for ALL ID CARDs.

Previous Limitations

The original ARGOS eKYC had several limitations.

It was difficult to verify identities documented in certain languages. For example, the birth date on an Egyptian ID card written in Arabic looks like this: “١٩٩٣/٠٥/٢٨”. This numeral system is different from the international standard we use and interpret, making it difficult for the previous ARGOS eKYC AI to recognize and convert this data.

It was also challenging to derive results from non-standardized notations. For instance, it was tough to map the nationality information marked as "CHINA R.P" to standardized country codes.

Given that the protocol of information displayed on ID cards varies by country, analyzing this to extract additional information was also a complex process.

These phenomena are due to the different notation and printing methods formed according to the settled culture and communication methods of each country, and the direct extraction of such notation methods by Template OCR made it difficult to use them in a standardized way.

Innovative Updates

However, with this update, ARGOS KYC has overcome these limitations.

First, it is now capable of standardized recognition of all languages and local notations. For example, it is now possible to convert an Arabic date notation “١٩٩٣/٠٥/٢٨” to the standardized date format "[1993-05-28]".

Also, recognition and standardized conversion of non-standardized notations became possible. The term "CHINA R.P" can be converted into the standardized ISO3166-based country code "CHN".

Finally, we can now analyze country-specific protocols to derive additional information. For example, the ID number "851102-1599321" can be analyzed to extract additional information like "Date of birth: 1985-11-02, Gender: Male".

Now, ARGOS eKYC, through a significant update that interprets each country's notation method and standardizes it, allows faster and more accurate identity verification for some local IDs that had been difficult to support.

It can now support all identity documents that have different notations from the international standard (ISO), such as Arabic and Japanese.

In Conclusion

Through these upgrades, ARGOS eKYC has enabled more accurate and diverse identity verification. This greatly contributes to increasing the accuracy and efficiency of KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures and is expected to be applied in various fields such as finance, security, and public services. It's a wonderful example of how the advancement of AI can make our lives more convenient and improved.

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