Understanding the Web 3.0, the definition

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Feb 04, 2022
Understanding the Web 3.0, the definition

With all the new terminology such as NFTs, metaverse, DeFi, cryptocurrency, and blockchain, Web 3.0 is also a new term. Web 3.0 is the third generation of the internet where internet services including websites and apps will be able to process information in a smart human-like way. Web 3.0 can also be well understood with decentralization and blockchain.

Web 1.0 is the first internet in the 1990s. Accessing information through the web was quite new and also limited. You can think looking for information on the web was a major purpose of getting online. It was hard to think about the connection or networking online. Most people were consumers, not producers of content.

Web 2.0 is where we are experiencing the internet. Finding information is better and more convenient through algorithms. Not only that, it became a place to interact with the advent of various web platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia, Blogs, and more. Unlike Web 1.0 where only a few were creating content, Web 2.0 has become an era where various people can create, join, communicate, share, and connect.

Web 3.0 is something more advanced than the current environment of Web 2.0. It is yet to come but it is way smarter and revolutionized that may process information like a human. The difference between Web 2.0 and 3.0 is that Web 3.0 is more focused on the use of technologies like machine learning and AI to provide relevant content for each user instead of just the content other end users have provided.

Also unlike Web 2.0 where most things run through big companies, Web 3.0 possesses the idea of creating software and platforms in a decentralized way, not depending on the traditional technology companies. In an ideal world, Web 3.0 services are supposed to be operated, owned by, and improved upon by communities of users.

As you can guess, there are Web 2.0 and Web 1.0.

Web 3.0 is yet to come but it is going to be much more revolutionized which can process information like a human. When talking about Web 3.0, we cannot forget about decentralization and blockchain. The current generation of the internet stores and processes data in a centralized way. All the data individuals create, whether it is searching specific topics or creating image and video content, there are platforms we use. They are Google, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter to name a few. And as you may know, all these big technology companies collect data. So the data are collected and used in a centralized format.

In Web 3.0, we expect that users and machines will be able to interact with data. This is where Web 3.0 needs more artificial intelligence (A.I) to process data and be able to communicate with users. Using AI technology is related to the idea of providing relevant information to end-users with speed and accuracy. Web 3.0 will operate in a decentralized environment where the concept of blockchain and cryptocurrency also gets involved.

Where Web 3.0 is expected to provide such convenience to the end-users with greater usage of AI technology. ARGOS KYC, an identity verification solution provider, we view Web 3.0 where verifying identities would become an important factor. When there is a gathering of people, people on the internet with a decentralized environment, transparency would become a crucial part. Transparency in interaction, communication, and activities related to finance. So we see that identifying identities would become a valuable process for people around the world to use and participate in the Web 3.0 environment.

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