ARGOS update, why did you focus on personal information generated during digital identity authentication process?

(ft. Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (CAADCA))
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Jun 28, 2024
ARGOS update, why did you focus on personal information generated during digital identity authentication process?

Hello. This is ARGOS Identity, an AI-based identity platform.

Thank you to those who have always shown interest in and used ARGOS services.

This time, ARGOS has been updated for the convenience of those who use the service.

There are four main updates in this update! ▲Liveform renewal ▲Adding age field and deleting identifiable personal information ▲Secure data transmission ▲Liveform private link.

Let's take a quick look at each one and see what these updates have in common.

Introducing updates!-personal information generated from the identity authentication process

① Live form renewal

Camera image quality improvement: 640px ▶1920px Increased OCR recognition rate due to image quality improvement

Expanded browser compatibility: Significantly expanded browser compatibility for smoother use on a variety of devices

Apply brand identity: Apply ARGOS' brand identity to provide consistent UI and English labels and improve irregular verification errors

② Add age field and delete identifiable personal information (partial data) Add an age field: Calculate the user's age based on the user's date of birth to classify the age group (minor: 13 years or younger, pre-teen: 13 to 15 years, teenager: 16 to 17 years, adult: 18 or older) *Age group data is exposed on the submission dashboard and detail page.

Deletion of identifiable personal information (partial data): Maintain only demographic information (date of birth in YYYY/MM format, gender, age range, nationality, etc.)

③ Safe data transmission

ARGOS has added two options to protect its customers' data. These options protect your company's data from unauthorized access and help you use the service with peace of mind by minimizing the risk of data leakage. Additionally, security has been strengthened by encrypting all data communicated between ARGOS Liveform and the server.

④ Live Form Private Link

The last updated feature is Liveform Private Link, which strengthens security by preventing the reuse of authenticated URLs. To minimize sharing of links with others, the generated link is only valid for 3 minutes after initial authentication. This feature increases the security of your links and prevents unnecessary link sharing.

‘Where’ is the focus in this update?

Why did ARGOS conduct the update? If you look closely at the above update functions, they have something in common. The fact is that we have strived to enhance information security while providing customer convenience! ​ If you look at recent news related to minors, you can frequently hear news about them being threatened by personal information infringement. ​

In this way, minors, including children, need protection because they are less aware of the risk of personal information being exposed in advertisements or online than adults.

Accordingly, governments in countries such as the UK and the US are strengthening related regulations to provide services in an age-appropriate manner to protect minors.

The UK has implemented the Age Appropriate Design Code (AADC) since September 2021. AADC requires companies that operate online services, such as apps and social media, that may be accessed by children under the age of 18 to comply with age-appropriate privacy protections. The regulation sets new standards for age-appropriate design, including protecting children's best interests, setting preferences that take children's characteristics into account, disabling geo-tracking and profiling, and not encouraging children to provide more personal information. ​

In the United States, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) requires parents to be notified directly when processing children's personal information and to obtain consent that can prove that the consenter is the parent. We have strengthened the protection of personal information of children under 13 years of age. ​

The US state of California has enacted the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (CAADCA) targeting children under 18 in 2022. This regulation is becoming a hot topic as it comes into effect in 2024. It includes provisions for installing protective measures such as setting the highest level of personal information protection for minors in the process of providing services to online platforms and writing personal information protection and service terms in a way that minors can easily understand. ​ Along with these overseas cases, Korea also began to take interest in protecting the personal information of minors. ​

Authentication you can trust with ARGOS solutions!

In response to these changes, ARGOS has strengthened the protection of minors' personal information by adding an age field. ARGOS is further strengthening its age verification function to comply with the above regulations. A real age verification option will soon be added for users living in the United States! ARGOS looks forward to providing safer and more robust services to its U.S. customers. ​

Additionally, to comply with GDPR regulations, ARGOS deletes identifiable personal information and, in accordance with the GDPR's 'data minimization' principle, is designed to retain only the minimum amount of information necessary while protecting individual privacy. GDPR: Regulations on personal information protection implemented in the European Union (EU), effective from May 25, 2018 ​ ARGOS is continuously working to protect our customers' data. ​

Today, we looked at all four features updated to ARGOS. It includes several new features, including ▲ Liveform improvements ▲ enhanced security ▲ compliance with the latest age-appropriate design protocols. In the future, Argos plans to provide more diverse functions for customer convenience. ​ We hope that you will continue to have simpler and more efficient identity authentication with the newly updated Argos. You can check the changes to Argos right away in the app.

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